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About Me

When people hear my name they think one of two things, that my parents were huge Journey fans or that I am a flower child. I was not named after the band Journey and I am not a small town girl living in a lonely world. In fact quite the opposite, I am an Army brat (so no flower child parents)  and have moved 13 times so far in my life. I have lived all over the Untied States and traveled to over 9 countries, making connections all over. This world is not lonely, and I am not done exploring. The best way I could see the world and make a positive impact on those I encounter in my travels is to become an Engineering Officer in the US Army. The opposite of war is creation, and through the James Madison University Engineering Program (more information here) I have learned how to design products that better the world in which we live. 


    While at JMU, I have had numerous opportunites through both the ROTC program and Engineering Department.  I’ve enhanced my education through numerous projects and a Biomimicry Independent Study. I've increased my leadership capabilities through Madison Engineering Mentorship program. Additional information about these activities and more can be found in the rest of my website. 


     In the future, I plan to pursue a Masters in Biomedical Engineering so that I may help Wounded Warriors and become an Active Duty Army Officer. When I graduate JMU I will have a Bachelors of Science in Engineering, along with minors in Biology and Military Science. Upon graduation I will also be commisioned as a 2LT in the US Army. 

The background picture is one that I took on a trip to Ireland at the Cliffs of Moore. The picture above is when I was recognized by the ROTC department for working with the Czech Repubic Military, specifically training with the 153rd and the 151st Engineering Battalions, in a Culutural Understanding and Language Program (CULP). 

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