-Driven, Jovial, Journey-
Jerney Davis
Military Career Overview
A large portion of my career is dedicated to the military. I serve as an Active Duty 2nd Lieutenant in the Signal Corps. SBOLC in Fort Gordon, GA from 15AUG16-09DEC16.
While in ROTC I was provided many opportunites to increase my leadership and team building capabilities, as well as adaptability to new missions. One of my biggest missions was during the Summer of 2014, where I traveled to the Czech Republic as the team leader for Team 1 to train with the 153rd and 151st Engineer Battalions. If interested click here for photos or here for a paper I wrote for Cadet Command on my experience.
Company Commander of Charlie Company, 10th Reg at the Cadet Leadership Course (CLC) 2015. Also ranked number 1 out of 38 in the platoon while at CLC.
Alpha Company Commander in the JMU Duke Battalion during MSIV (senior) year. While the company commander I was in charge of